Ceili Cubs - Toddler & Preschool Classes

Ceili Coileáin

Toddler & Preschool Irish Dance

Every child should experience dance! In our tot and preschool program called Ceili (kay-lee) Cubs Program, young dancers are introduced to Irish dance, music and culture in a positive and fun environment. Even the littlest dancers will gain coordination and strength while they explore their own creativity and self-expression. Classes are filled with new experiences and truly unlimited movement possibilities!


Open Trial Class for Trebling Tots

March 31, 2025 | 5:15-5:45 pm

We serve two age groups and free trial classes are available!

Leaping Littles - PRESCHOOL

  • Ages: 3-4 year olds

  • Day & Time: Mondays, 5:50-6:35 pm

  • Cost: $85 per month or $27 per class (drop-in)

Leaping Littles explore the basic foundation of Irish dancing through the lens of creative movement. Through a deep dive into Irish culture, this class is perfect for moving littles who love to learn!

Trebling Tots - TODDLERS

  • Ages: 1 1/2 - 2 year olds

  • Day & Time: Mondays, 5:15-5:45 pm

  • Cost: $80 per month or $25 per class (drop-in)

Trebling Tots is an exploration of Irish music and basic dance movements and ideas for toddlers along with their actively participating grown-up. The class promotes physical, mental and social development for our littlest dancers.

Have Questions? Reach out to us!